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For The Parents

The most relaxing way to take care of your smile.

Parental Appointment Information

Here at Dentistry While You Dream, we fully understand the importance of your little one to you. We understand that their comfort during the difficult time of fixing their teeth or mouth, is of paramount importance to you. We understand that you may have questions about the different phases of the appointment process, the day of surgery and the recovery process as well. 

During the important initial consultation appointment, we will discuss and complete certain important things such as:
a. Having you complete a full medical history for your child
b. Having you complete all office paperwork
c. Record all your insurance information - please bring insurance information for ALL coverages that you have available
d. Have your child's height and weight recorded
e. Review all these documents in detail with the doctor
f. Discuss in detail, the referral from your family dentist.
g. Perform an examination of your child's mouth, if possible
h. Obtain radiographs of your child's mouth, if possible
i. Discuss the findings of those radiographs, and formulate a provisional treatment plan
j. Discuss the process that will occur on the day of surgery with emphasis on:
  • Nothing to eat or drink after midnight unless specified by the team
  • Loose clothing to be worn
  • Change of clothing to be brought in case your child should empty their bladder during/after the surgery
  • Two adults to accompany every child
  • Child will sit on one adult's lap in the induction room
  • Parent will hug the child, our nurse will hold the child's hands and the doctor will administer an injection in the child's shoulder
  • We will allow 5 minutes for the medication to take effect and the child will become gradually more relaxed
  • Dr. Eickmeier will bring the child to the operating room where the surgery will take place
  • Both parents to remain in close proximity to the office at all times
  • Once the child is under anesthesia, and new radiographs are taken, the doctor will re-examine your child's mouth in detail
  • Any changes to the provisional treatment plan will now be provided to you, along with any changes in costs associated
  • Once treatment is complete, Dr. Eickmeier will transfer your child to the recovery room
  • Once your child completes the recovery process and is stirring in the recovery room, the nurse in charge of recovery will call you in
  • This phase of recovery involves the parent to comfort the child as the child will still feel dizzy, and the child's mouth will feel numb from the local anesthesia placed during the course of the surgery, and this will be confusing to the child
  • Once the child is well oriented (20-30 min after the parent is brought to the recovery room area), the team will decide when it is appropriate for the parents and child to proceed home.
  • Have the parent choose a blanket for the child to enjoy after the appointment
  • One parent is in charge of driving the car, the other parent is in charge of comforting the child in the backseat of the car
  • Once home, one parent must call the office to confirm that the child is home, and doing well and that one parent has provided pain medication (advil or tylenol as directed by Dr. Eickmeier) and the patient is drinking a milkshake or similar
k. Answer any other questions that the parents may have
l. Perform an estimate of costs and provide a predetermination of costs to the insurance company, if the parents have dental insurance
m. Provide a surgery date and provide the parents a card confirming that date, along with a review of the cancellation policies that apply for this surgical date.

Please Note:

It is very important that you show up on time for your surgery time as indicated on the card provided to you. Because of the need for all patients to be without food or drink after midnight the night before surgery, it is impossible to simply have another patient fill a time slot when an appointment is failed. Thus, we require a MINIMUM of 72 hours notice or a $500 charge will be applied to your account. We appreciate your understanding in this important issue. Please also note that all parents should be ready to be called EARLIER to their surgical appointment time as we sometimes run ahead of schedule during our day, and thus we will bring you and your child in early for your surgical appointment. Please be sure to supply us with the best number to get in contact with you for the day of surgery.  Thank you!

How can we help your smile? For more information on how to schedule an appointment, visit your desired location page. Sarnia, Ontario or London, Ontario.

Business Hours

Give us a call at 1(519) 474-2400 to schedule an appointment.

  • What are your business hours?

    7 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday

The Most Relaxing Way to Take Care of Your Smile.

Dentistry While You Dream is dedicated to the health, safety and comfort of all of our Dreamers.
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